Title: Listomatic script for the HomeSite editor
Author: Mattias Johansson mattias[at]verodella.se
version 1.3, 2004-07-12
Listomatic is a tool to automate boring copy and paste jobs. Listomatic use a list of selected words or a number of loops to create code or even new pages.
Here's how to use Listomatic
Example: Here's a list of words. Select them.
Paste this code below in to Listomatic and press OK
<div id="layer[n]"> <p>This is the layer of [*]</p> <p>It is number [n] in the list</p> </div>
Or paste the code below in to Listomatic and enter 5, or what ever, in the Loops field to the right and press OK.
<div id="layer[n]"> <p>Welcome to page number [n]</p> <a href="page[n--].html">Go to previous page</a> <a href="page[n++].html">Go to next page</a> </div>
You can create almost whatever code/text you want. Select the alpha-beta text above and run the code below to create a form.
<p>[n]. [*]</p> <p><input type="text" name="[*]" id="[*]"></p> <hr />
It's even possible to create new files with Listomatic. Let's say the alpha-beta list above is the names images that you would like to create separate page for.
Do this:
<html> <head> <title>Image: [*]</title> </head> <body> <div style="text-align:center;"> <p> <img src="images/[*].jpg" alt="[*]" /> </p> <p> <a href="img_[n--].html">«image [n--]</a> <a href="img_[n++].html">image [n++]»</a> </p> </div> </body> </html>
Mattias Johansson, Gothenburg Sweden 2006